BlephEx Procedure

The BlephEx procedure is a professional eyelid cleaning procedure specifically designed to address conditions like blepharitis and dry eye syndrome.

This innovative treatment focuses on thorough cleansing of the eyelids, targeting the base of the eyelashes and the tear glands, where bacteria biofilm and debris tend to accumulate. By utilizing a specialized handheld device with a spinning micro-sponge tip, the BlephEx procedure effectively removes excess bacteria, biofilm, and debris, promoting clean and healthy eyelids.

With its gentle exfoliation and restoration of tear film balance, the BlephEx procedure offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining optimal eyelid hygiene and relieving symptoms associated with eyelid inflammation. Experience the benefits of this professional eyelid cleaning procedure and enjoy the long-term improvement in your eye health.

Professional Eyelid Cleaning Procedure

Professional Eyelid Cleaning Procedure

BlephEx offers a professional eyelid cleaning procedure designed to effectively address conditions like blepharitis and dry eye syndrome. This innovative treatment focuses on cleansing the eyelids, specifically targeting the base of the eyelashes and the tear glands, where bacteria biofilm and debris tend to accumulate. By removing these sources of irritation, BlephEx helps promote long-term eye health and provides relief from symptoms.

During the BlephEx procedure, your eye care professional utilizes a specialized handheld device that gently exfoliates the eyelid margins. The device features a spinning medical-grade micro-sponge tip that removes excess bacteria, biofilm, and debris. This deep cleaning action not only cleans the eyelids but also helps restore the natural balance of the tear film.

Eyelid Scrub Procedure

Eyelid Scrub Procedure

The BlephEx procedure can be thought of as an eyelid scrub procedure that offers a comprehensive cleaning solution for your eyelids. By precisely exfoliating the eyelid margins, it effectively removes the accumulated biofilm and bacteria that contribute to eyelid inflammation and associated symptoms.

Eye Cleaning Procedure

Eye Cleaning Procedure

BlephEx is an eye cleaning procedure that focuses on maintaining optimal eyelid hygiene. It specifically targets the base of the eyelashes and the tear glands, which are common areas for bacterial overgrowth and debris accumulation. By thoroughly cleaning these areas, the procedure helps prevent the recurrence of conditions like blepharitis and dry eye syndrome.

Step-by-Step Procedure



Your eye care professional will prepare you for the BlephEx procedure, which typically involves cleaning the area around your eyes and applying a mild anesthetic to ensure your comfort throughout the treatment.


BlephEx Device

Your eye care professional will use the BlephEx device, which consists of a spinning micro-sponge tip. This specialized tip is carefully placed on the eyelid margin, allowing for precise exfoliation.


Gentle Exfoliation

The BlephEx device is activated, and the spinning micro-sponge tip gently exfoliates the base of the eyelashes and the tear glands. This process effectively removes bacteria biofilm and debris, promoting clean and healthy eyelids.


Comfortable Experience

The BlephEx procedure is painless and well-tolerated by most patients. Some may experience a tickling sensation or mild pressure during the exfoliation process.


Post-Procedure Care

After the procedure, your eye care professional may provide you with instructions on post-procedure care, such as avoiding rubbing your eyes and following a recommended eyelid hygiene routine.

Expected Outcomes

Patients who undergo the BlephEx procedure can expect several benefits, including:

Clean Eyelids

The exfoliation process effectively removes excess bacteria, biofilm, and debris from the eyelid margins, promoting clean and healthy eyelids.

Symptom Relief

By addressing the underlying causes of conditions like blepharitis and dry eye syndrome, BlephEx provides relief from associated symptoms such as itching, redness, and irritation.

Improved Tear Film Stability

Removing debris and bacteria biofilm helps restore the natural balance of the tear film, promoting optimal tear film stability and reducing dryness.

Long-Term Results

With regular BlephEx treatments and adherence to proper eyelid hygiene, patients can experience long-term improvement in their eye health and reduced recurrence of eyelid conditions.

Watch the following video to learn more about the BlephEx procedure and its impact on eye health:

By choosing BlephEx, you can enjoy the benefits of a professional eyelid cleaning procedure that promotes clean and healthy eyelids.